Sunday, November 26, 2017

Weekly Makeup Basket

Makeup Basket: November 27-December 3

Hello everyone! I am here for a quick makeup basket. The following are products I will be focusing on this week.

For eyes, I will be focusing on my UD Gwen Stefani eye palette. This is probably one of my favorite "neutral" palettes ever. Sadly, it was limited edition. Some of the colors are pretty basic so you should be able to find something similar in your collection.

For blush, I will be focusing on iSOCiETY COSMETICS lady bug. This is a beautiful brick red that upon sheering out, looks like a perfect "just been out in the cold" look. 

I apologize for the quality of these pics, but for lips, I will try to focus on Kat Von D's Lolita II and Project Chimps (LE).

Thanks for reading! I look forward to posting a look or two using this palette.


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