Monday, January 1, 2018

Confessions of an Eye Palette Addict

Confessions of an Eye Palette Addict: Current Collection and 2018 Goals

Hello everyone! Happy 2018! I hope you all had a wonderful New Year's celebration. So, I am not very big on setting New Year's goals because honestly, I never keep them. But as usual, I like to attempt to re-evaluate where my collection is at particularly with eye palettes and lipsticks as I am completely obsessed! So, I went ahead and laid out all my eye palettes. As you can see, I have 13. That is a LOT. To be honest, probably more than a person actually needs. From looking at that picture, I can tell you that there are about three that I own that I really could do without. However, I do not want to simply throw them in the trash as they are still in good shape. 

I do have one that is in rough shape, and that one is the one I will be focusing my attention the most. No, I am not going to do a pan that palette as I honestly like to alternate my palettes so that they all get the love and attention they deserve. I will however, focus on a select few shades from a particular palette to attempt to pan those shades. My hope is to make some dent in that palette before the end of this year. The palette I am talking about is my original Lorac Pro palette. 

As you can see, this palette has been loved. It is pretty dirty and I have actually hit pan on 4 shades. I love this palette but it is my oldest of the bunch. It is probably about 4 years old or so, which for makeup is pretty old. It is at the "throw away" stage. I can honestly tell that it is a bit past its prime as the shade "Gold" used to be soooo pigmented and intense that I could not pull it off for work. However, it has since lost its intensity. For these reasons, this year I will focus on panning as many of these shades as I possibly can. By the end of this year I will be throwing this baby out. The colors I will be focusing on using up in their entirety are Taupe (a med-light brown) that I use to contour, Espresso (I use this on my brows), possibly cream and light pink as well. If I happen to hit pan on any of the other shades great, but if not, I will be happy if I am able to use up 4 of the shadows in their entirety. Once that is done, I will be tossing this in the trash.

I have also thought about a one month one palette but I am still not sure if I will do that or not. SO, stay tuned for that decision. 

Do you have makeup that is past it's prime? Do you have any makeup or non-makeup goals for the year 2018? Share them in the comments below! I'd love to hear what you are working towards.

    Thank you all for reading! I hope 2018 is a year full of happiness, blessings, and successes!


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