Saturday, July 8, 2017

Project Pan: 10 Pan Update for June 2017

Hello all! Hope you are having a wonderful day/night. I just logged back on here and saw that I have not posted in about a month! Geesh how time flies! Anyways, I had a few posts that were ready to go but not officially posted. I want to begin with an update on my Project 10 Pan, which in all honesty has been an utter and complete failure. I have maybe been using about 4 of the 10 products constantly, one of the products I have lost, and the rest have been forgotten. 

Anywho... The following is the progress that I actually do have:

This is the body spray from Bath & Body Works, I am sure I will have this done in no time.

This is the Lo-Fi Bronzer from UD Gwen face palette, I am almost done with it but that little ring around the edge of the pan is hanging on for dear life!

FInally, the last product that I have been consistently using is my MAC lipstick in Snob. I am sure I will be done with this in no time.

Sorry I don't have much more of a progress to show. Projects like these remind me how terrible I am in remembering to use things. I think fast/seasonal project pans are a better fit for me because they keep me on track and force me to use the products. In the future, I think I will be sticking with the seasonal ones alone.

Do you participate in Project Pan? Share your current projects in the comments below!

Thanks for taking the time to read!


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