Monday, February 20, 2017

Biweekly Basket February 20th – March 5th

Hello everyone! Happy Monday! I am back with another makeup basket. I am sorry I was not able to post a look this past week, but I was actually under the weather. This next basket will be two weeks long as I will be once again using my Lorac Mega Pro 3, which is technically like 2 Lorac Pros. So, for further details, here are the products I will be focusing on.

For face, I will continue using my UD Gwen Stefani palette (stay tuned for a post regarding by Project 10 pan as I definitely have some progress on this baby!). I will be focusing on the bronzer, Lo-Fi, the blush Cherry, and the highlight.

For eyes, I will be focusing on the Lorac Mega Pro 3 (sorry, I could not find a better picture and lighting is not great as it is night time :-( )

For lips, I will be focusing on Revlon Black Cherry and MAC Snob.

That is it! I will obviously be pulling some other products from my collection but these are the ones I have chosen to get some "extra loving". I hope to be feeling better this weekend and will try to post one look and a bonus!

Stay tuned!

Thank you all for reading! 


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