Saturday, February 25, 2017

January and February 2017 Empties: Products I have used up

Hello all! I wanted to come on here and share my current empties. I am surprised that I have not used up a whole lot of products in these last couple of months, but alas, I figured it was time to share some of these.

Some of the products I have used up are staples in my beauty routine; a lot of these were also samples. If you would like to know what I used up, continue reading.

This first item is the Vitabath body wash. I absolutely love this body wash, it is paraben and pthalate free. They have several scents, all wonderful. They also lather a lot without having sulfates. I always repurchase this item. I usually get this at Ulta.

I also used up a sample of Tarte Lights camera lashes mascara. I used to loooove this mascara when it first came out but I was a bit bummed out with this sample. I used to think this mascara did wonders for my lashes, but not this time. Not sure if it was the sample size that was off, or if the formula has changed. Not sure that I will purchase the full size at the moment.

This is a sample size of the Tarte lippie paint in goals. I can tell you I was not a fan. The shade was a bit too nude for me. I could not really tell that it had any color to it. I guess if you like that type of color then it would be nice. This is the glossy version as well, so it did give the lips some shine. The good news is that this was not really sticky, like other formulas can be. I would purchase full size, but probably in a different color.

This is the Burts Bees lip balm in Honey. My husband hates this flavor for some reason, I did not think it was bad. I usually lose my lip balms before I can use them up, so this was a nice change for once! I usually apply lip balm in the mornings before my makeup, and right before bed. It is an essential step for me, especially during the winter!

This was a 500 point perk at Sephora. The brand is Algenist. I really wanted to love these products but I just did not think that they made much of a difference for my skin. The white bottle is the firming and lifting night serum. The dark green bottle is the day serum, and the small tub is moisturizer. I still have the small tub of under eye cream, but have not been impressed with that either! Even though I was not impressed with these products, I do like the brand. I am currently using a different night time moisturizing mask which has been a skin savor this winter.

This is the besame violet brightening powder. I wanted to love this with all my being. In fact, I LOVED the brightening effect it achieved, particularly under my eyes. BUT, this powder is sooooo mattifying, to the point that now my under eyes have deep creases and extreme dryness, like I wasn't dry enough before. I am really bummed out that this powder is so mattifying as I really truly wanted to adore this product. Alas, I would not recommend this for dry skin. Love the brightening effect, but it is too much! I think I will venture into the lipsticks and blushes, so as to not completely abandon the cute brand. :)

Finally, I have my go to makeup removing wipes. These wipes do leave a bit of a residue on the skin, but you can simply wipe that off with a towel. I absolutely love these wipes and will definitely continue to repurchase them.

Hope you enjoyed this empties post! Thanks so much for taking the time to read!

Project 10 Pan Update 1

Hello everyone! I am here with my first update for this year's Project 10 pan. I have made decent progress on a lot of the items and I am pretty excited to share some of that with you.

First off, my bronzer from the Urban Decay Gwen Stefani face palette is showing MAJOR pan. This is really exciting because the last bronzer I tried to pan was a deluxe size and it took me almost a year to pan...this one I have been working on for about 2 months now and I have made a lot of progress. 

I have also made a lot of progress on this hand cream, I am actually almost done with it! I think it helps that it is winter so my hands have been extra dry. If you notice, the top line at the very top of the bottle is where I started. This item was actually brand new. I am now down at that blue line!

This next item is my NYX lipstick in Snow White. I made a tiny bit of progress but not enough for my liking. I feel this one will be difficult to use up but I will continue to use it up!

This is MAC Snob. Although I have not made nearly enough progress, I do not have a whole lot of product left. I am down at the lower blue line.

This is the bath and body works spray. Not sure if you can see the top black line but I have made a bit of progress. I am hoping to use this up before spring as this is more of a winter-y smell.

All these tiny little samples, my Elizabeth and James, Prada Candy, and Chloe have all been used up. These went by really quickly and have made the Project a bit easier. I absolutely looooved the Nirvana scent from Elizabeth and James, it is definitely going on my wish list. I have always liked Prada Candy and Chloe so I would definitely purchase those. La vie est belle was not so great for my tastes, it is a bit sweeter and more floral than I like so I don't believe I will purchase full size. 

These I have made no progress in, these are more of a spring/summer scent, so I am holding off til then to pan these. 

I am not including pictures of the nail polish as I have absolutely made zero progress on those, have not even used them since! I know, I am terrible. Doing my nails really sucks for me, I enjoy having painted nails but having to take the nail polish off and put some back on is such a hassle! I am trying to get better at this.

I also had another lipstick in this project but I cannot for the life of me find it, it is the Revlon Black Cherry. I know I have made very good progress on this as I was wearing that lipstick almost daily. I will give it another week and if I do not find it, I may need to replace it with something else in my collection.

Overall, I am pretty happy with the progress that I have made. I am excited to continue to use some of these products and continue to make progress.

Are you participating in a project pan? Please link those below, I would love to check your posts/videos out!

Thanks for reading!


Monday, February 20, 2017

Biweekly Basket February 20th – March 5th

Hello everyone! Happy Monday! I am back with another makeup basket. I am sorry I was not able to post a look this past week, but I was actually under the weather. This next basket will be two weeks long as I will be once again using my Lorac Mega Pro 3, which is technically like 2 Lorac Pros. So, for further details, here are the products I will be focusing on.

For face, I will continue using my UD Gwen Stefani palette (stay tuned for a post regarding by Project 10 pan as I definitely have some progress on this baby!). I will be focusing on the bronzer, Lo-Fi, the blush Cherry, and the highlight.

For eyes, I will be focusing on the Lorac Mega Pro 3 (sorry, I could not find a better picture and lighting is not great as it is night time :-( )

For lips, I will be focusing on Revlon Black Cherry and MAC Snob.

That is it! I will obviously be pulling some other products from my collection but these are the ones I have chosen to get some "extra loving". I hope to be feeling better this weekend and will try to post one look and a bonus!

Stay tuned!

Thank you all for reading! 


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Weekly Basket: February 13th – 19th

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog! I wanted to come on here really quickly and type up a weekly basket. Sorry I was not able to blog a look this week with my Urban Decay Naked Smoky, but I do have a couple looks posted on my instagram if you want to head over there and check it out.

The following are products I will be focusing on this week:

For face, I will continue wearing my Urban Decay Gwen Stefani palette. For blush, I will be using Cherry, and for bronzer/contour I will be using Lo-Fi.

For eyes, I will be focusing on my Urban Decay Gwen Stefani eye palette. I absolutely loooove this palette! It is the perfect balance of every day and dramatic/pops of color.

For lips, I will try to focus on NYX Snow White, Revlon Black Cherry, and MAC Snob.

I will hopefully have a look with these products over the coming week/weekend.

Thanks for reading, I hope you all have a wonderful week!


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Weekly Basket: February 6th – February 12th

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend and a good start to your week. I am here with a late weekly basket, I did not have time to post it over the weekend. The following are the products I will be focusing on this week:

For eyes I am focusing on my Urban Decay Naked Smoky palette.

For face, I am focusing on my UD Gwen face palette, particularly the colors Lo-Fi and Cherry.

For lips, I will continue to work on Revlon's Black Cherry. I will pull other shades as well but this is the one I truly want to focus on.

As usual, I will be using other products but these will be my main ones. 

I hope you all enjoyed this post! Stay tuned for a look or two coming this weekend.

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Smoky Eye with Burgundy Lips

Hello all, today I created this smoky look with my Lorac Pro palette. If you want to know how I achieved it, keep on reading!

I started off by concealing my under eyes using my Tarte Under eye corrector in light medium. I used a damp beauty blender to blend that out.

For foundation, I used a combination of my L'oreal Pro-glow in 201, and my Tarte Rainforest of the Sea in Fair Beige. I blended that out with a beauty blender.

I set the makeup with my Laura Mercier translucent powder. I like this for setting but it does not have the brightening effect in the under eyes like the Besame powder does. I used a big fan brush from Shany cosmetics. 

For brows, I filled them in with my NYX dark brown brow pencil, and set it with the clear gel from essence.

I primed my lids with Too Faced Shadow Insurance and set that with the shade "cream" from the Lorac Pro palette.

With a flat shader brush, I applied the shade Slate all over the lid and up to the crease.

I then used the shade Taupe and applied that to the crease as a transition shade.

I then took that same brush and the shade Garnet and applied that to the crease to warm up the look.

I smudged a bit of Slate in the lower lash line

I took the shade Black and smudged it into the upper lash line.

I took the shade Nude (a shimmery milky pink) and applied that as the brow bone highlight.

I used the iSOCiETY COSMETICS cream shadow in oh baby and applied to the inner corner.

I then applied the iSOCiETY COSMETICS pigment in metalico on top of that oh baby cream shadow for extra "oomph".

For mascara, I used Benefit they're real primer and mascara.

For bronzer, Urban Decay Gwen face palette in the shade Lo-Fi.

For blush, I got a bit creative and used the shade "Mauve" from the Lorac Pro palette and applied it as blush.

For highlight, I used the shade Angel from UD Gwen Palette.

For added drama, I applied the Ardell Double Up falsies.

For lips, I used Revlon's Black Cherry, a creamy vampy burgundy shade.

I forgot to take a picture but I set the whole thing with my Mario Badescu rose water spray.

I hope you enjoyed this look, I certainly did! 

As usual, thanks so much for reading!


P.S., I am a makeup hunter for iSOCiETY COSMETICS, if you want to shop some of their products, use code "natylook" for 15% off. This code is valid through May 2017.