Saturday, February 13, 2016

Finish 16 in 2016: Set back and changes

Hello everyone! I wanted to come on here and give a *brief* update on my project Pan Finish 16 in 2016. At first, I had chosen the following lippie as one of the ones I was going to finish this year: 

MAC Media.

I did finish a good chunk of this lippie, however, this week I have noticed that the smell has changed into a crayon-y smell, meaning, it has gone bad :-(. Since I do not wish to put something on my skin that has had a change like this and has gone bad, I am calling it quits with this one. I am instead replacing it with a very similar shade.

The lippie I am replacing it with is:

MAC Prince Noir, a limited edition lipstick that I got years ago. Prince Noir is different from Media but just slightly. Media leans a little more purple, where as Prince Noir leans a little more red. 

I am happy with how much I got to use of Mac Media, and I am sad to see it go, but I am excited to be giving Prince Noir some more loving.

Prince Noir is pretty much intact, I have used it only a handful of times. I will update you in April with my first official update to let you know how this is going.

Thanks for reading! 


P.S. Are you participating in Finish 16 by 16? Link your post in the comments section, I'd be happy to check it out and cheer you on!

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