Friday, September 18, 2015

Benefit’s POREFessional Allergic Reaction

   Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well! If you have read my blog you might have noticed that I do not use a primer before I apply my foundation. In all honesty, I don't feel the need to use a primer before my foundation as it applies pretty well to my skin and lasts all day.

   Recently, however, I placed an order at Ulta to get a new moisturizer and some shimmer gel shadows/liners from Physician's Formula. If you have shopped online at Ulta before, you know that you can get some samples with your order. I picked the variety pack. One of the items that I got as a sample was the Benefit POREfessional Primer. I thought, I don't use primer but it was a free sample so might as well give it a shot.  I applied the primer to my face, it went on nicely, smoothly; I proceeded to apply all my makeup and it wasn't until I was applying my blush that I noticed what I thought was a patchy application of blush. I thought to myself, hmm that's weird. I then noticed redness peeking through the foundation on my nose, my forehead, and my chin. By this time I thought something has to be wrong as I had not applied blush to those areas. I proceeded to wipe my makeup off using my Neutrogena wipes and what I found beneath was this:

   My cheeks, my chin, and my forehead were extremely red and warm to the touch. I had a bottle of Aloe sitting in the fridge so after I cleansed my skin, I moisturized again and applied some aloe. I did not apply my face makeup for the entire day. About 30 minutes after applying the aloe, I could see the redness diminishing and my skin going back to normal.

   How do I know it was the primer that did it? Pretty simple, the only new product I had applied was the primer, and my brushes had been cleaned. I applied my makeup the following day but I omitted the primer. My skin was perfectly fine. I don't know if it is a specific ingredient in this primer, or if it is not the right primer for my skin, but needless to say, my skin did not like it. I can safely say that I won't be trying any more primers from now on!

   Have any of you experienced an allergic reaction to Benefit's POREfessional primer, or any other primer for that matter? If so, do you happen to know if it was a specific ingredient that caused your allergic reaction? I would really like to know, for future references!

Thank you for reading!


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