Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Finish Five by Fall Update/Finale

Hello everyone! It has been two weeks since my last seasonal project pan update. I am kind of happy and also sad to report that I am ending my challenge now. I am happy because I finished 4 out of my 5 products, but I'm sad because I didn't make it last to the end of the challenge, which is still another few weeks. I think this challenge helped me see what products I have, what types of products I should be choosing for these challenges, as well as giving me a sort of time frame for finishing up certain products. I think this was a very good initial seasonal project that has definitely given me perspective as well as teaching me some things that I can take into further project pans. Anyways, here are the products:

This body spray from Bath and Body Works I completely finished up. I actually thought this product went by quicker than I had initially thought. I am glad to be done with it. I do enjoy the smell but I find that it does not last as long on the skin. I applied it in the morning and if I was going out at night, I would have to reapply. I don't think I will be repurchasing this one, I am not even sure if they still have this smell or if it was one of the seasonal ones.

This eyeliner I mostly finished it off. I got to this point and every time I would sharpen it, the liner would crumble. I feel pretty good about finishing this one up as I had it in my collection for a really long time. If I had to, I would repurchase this, but only for use on the upper lash line as it does not work well for me in the waterline (it crumbles and goes all over in my eye plus it gets on my contacts!).

 This is the only product I didn't finish. It is MAC Russian Red. I think I was too focused on using Up the Amp that I did not give this enough love. I might put this in a future project pan though!
Finally, this is MAC Up the Amp. This is completely gone. Yay! This is the first lipstick that I have ever used up. I did notice that there is some product left in the plastic part of the tube but I don't have anything to dig it out with, and I do not like applying lipstick with a brush. All in all, I'm happy with how much of it I did use up.
All in all, I am very happy with the results of this project. I wish though that I would've thought of adding other products as I finished some just to extend the time of the project, kind of like a rolling project. I am definitely going to have that in mind for my next project, whenever that is. If you'd like to see my previous update, you can check that out here:
I hope you enjoyed reading, and if you are doing project pans, I wish you good luck!

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