Friday, August 7, 2015

Project Pan: Nail Polish Edition

Hello everyone! If you like to participate or read about Project Pan, then I have something new for you! So, I originally saw this on Cherish's youtube page (her site is: ). She was showing her Project Pan that focused on nail polishes; I immediately thought it was a great idea! So, I have carefully looked at my nail polish collection and have selected 5 nail polishes that I would like to use up and take out of my collection. I picked colors carefully making sure that I had "fun ones", a "neutral one", and some for the fall/winter. Here are the ones I picked:

 This first one is called Ballet Slippers, and it is from Essie. I think this shade will be easy to use up as I use it by itself but I also use it as a base when I wear darker shades in the fall/winter. If you notice, I have a white mark on the bottle of where I am starting at.
 This shade is from MAC and it is called Concubine. It is kind of like a shimmery red. Again, notice the white line that demonstrates where I am beginning.

 This next shade is from Zoya, and it is called Holly. It is a very pretty shimmery forest green. I absolutely love this color! I think I will be able to use it up quick as it is a smaller bottle, more of a deluxe sample size.

 This next color I have been wearing exclusively, and it is from OPI. The shade is called I'm Wired, and it is a hot pinky coral.
Last but not least, I apologize for the picture, I couldn't get a better one. This is another MAC shade and it is called Ming Blue. It is also shimmery and very pretty. Again, notice the white base line.
That is it! I will try and update you on my progress on a monthly basis. I don't see all these shades having progress until the fall as I will be solely focusing on the OPI I'm Wired color.
Are you also participating in Project Pan? Leave me a comment below, I'd love to check out your blog/youtube channel! Have a great one!

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