Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Makeup Goals 2015 Baseline

Hello again! So, if you have read my makeup goals, you’ll know that I would like to get through some of my makeup, or at least make a good dent in my makeup throughout this year. I wanted to post real quickly something to serve as a baseline for myself to see my actual progress throughout the year.

I already posted the baseline for my lipsticks that I would like to go through; if you haven’t read that post, you can find it here: http://delightfulbalanceoflife.blogspot.com/2015/01/use-up-5-lip-products-by-end-of-2015-i.html

This post will have pictures of what my eye palettes look like so far; I have three eye palettes, the first one is a palette that I have had for over 2 years (yikes!). It is a Sephora palette and I believe it is called the Enchanting palette. I do not believe that they sell this one anymore. I would really like to get through this palette and out of my collection pretty quickly. I have made several dents in the colors but there are some colors that I have not used or have barely touched. By the end of 2015 I would like to have made a decent dent in all the shades and to have hit pan in at least 1 of the shadows. The other two palettes are newer, I received them for my birthday/Holidays this past December. These palettes are Chocolate Bar by Too Faced and Everything Nice, also by Too Faced. I hope to have some dents in these, and if at all possible, to have hit pan in at least one shade.

As for face products, I would like to use up one bronzer and one blush. I know this is ambitious as I am using the blushes and bronzers from my Everything Nice palette, but I do believe that by giving myself a year to do this, I will be able to achieve it.

Below I am listing pictures to demonstrate what the products look like now. Also, randomly, I did discuss wanting to go through some of my perfumes, so I will post a baseline photograph of those too. I have pretty much used up one of the perfumes as I only had a smidge left, but I still have 1.5 bottles plus a miniature sample size left. I will update with new pictures as soon as there is some noticeable difference in my products. Wish me luck!

Additionally, if you have goals similar to these, or you are participating in the challenges on youtube, or you have created your own challenges, please let me know! I would love to check out your videos or blogs!!

Thank you for reading!!!
 Perfumes -Amber Light, Daisy sample, Pink, Wink
 Sephora - Enchanting Palette
 Too Faced Chocolate Bar
 Too Faced Everything Nice (shadows)
Too Faced Everything Nice (face products)


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