Saturday, January 31, 2015

Lipstick Collection Ideals


                So this year I began to go through my lipstick collection. I picked out five that I would like to use up by the end of the year (read that post here: ). The other day I was looking at my lipsticks and decided to smell them all, not in a weird way, but to see if the smell has changed for any of them. I noticed that one of them had indeed changed. It was my MAC Amorous lipstick. I was terribly sad as this is one of my favorite shades of all time. If you are familiar with MAC lipsticks, you know that they have a hint of vanilla, not a terribly strong scent, but it is there. My shade of Amorous had changed from a nice vanilla scent to a very displeasing plastic-y scent. With my goal of finishing five lipsticks for the year, and the amount of product that was left in my Amorous tube, there was no way that I was going to go through it, even if I wasn’t bothered by the fact that it had gone bad.

            As sad as this all was, and as hard as it was to throw away a tube of lipstick, it hit me, this was finally the extra motivation that I needed to make sure I go through all my lipsticks. Besides my already established goal of finishing 5 lip products, I sat down and wrote a list of what my ideal lipstick collection would be. I decided to narrow down my collection and chose colors based on seasons and every day colors. The following is what I have decided my ideal lipstick collection would contain:

è 2 “classic” reds (examples MAC Russian Red and Viva Glam 1)

è 2 Vampy Colors (examples MAC Amorous and Rebel)

è 3 Spring and Summer Colors…a purple, a coral, and a bright pink (examples MAC Up the Amp, Revlon Kiss me Coral, MAC Impassioned)

è 2 every day colors (examples MAC Myth and MAC Snob)

I am very happy with this break down; not only do I get a variety of colors, but I can shrink my lipstick collection from about 19 lipsticks to 9! The final step to achieve this is to pan these lipsticks!

Keep checking back to see my progress on my lipstick and makeup goals! Do you have a large lipstick collection? If you could only have a small amount of lipsticks, which ones would you pick? Hope to read your ideas in the comments!

Once again, thanks for reading!


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