Sunday, May 7, 2017

Biweekly Basket May 8th – May 21st

Hello all, welcome to another round of Makeup baskets. I feel like I missed at least last week and possibly the week before that. Things have been pretty hectic lately. But I am back this week, hopefully to get back on track with blogging. The products I will be focusing on for the next two weeks are:

The blush in Easy from UD Gwen (middle in the top row) and the bronzer Lo-Fi (first one on the bottom row from L-R).

For the eyes, I will be focusing on my Lorac Pro 3 (sorry, I could not find a better picture).

For lips, I am not really going to focus on any in particular, I think I will be wild and go with the flow! 

I hope to have a couple looks for the next couple weeks. 

Thanks for taking the time to read.


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