Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Empties from February and March

   Hello everyone! So, it has been a while since I have posted anything. I have been having issues with lighting as my apartment does not have great lighting and the weather has been gloomy and rainy. However, this post has been long overdue. These are my empties for the months of February and March.

    This first one is a body sugar scrub that I got for the Holidays from my brother and sister-in-law. I absolutely loved this! I use it on my arms for those obnoxious bumps and on my legs to keep them smooth. This specific one had almonds in them and it smelled wonderful! I have already purchased another one but with lavender instead.

    Again, these months I used the face masks. I really like this one because of the creaminess of the mask and the smell. I am looking forward to trying the Mint Chocolate chip mask.

    This product was also given to me by my sister-in-law and brother. It is an exfoliating product for sensitive skin. I use it in the shower every day. It has really been a blessing for my dry patches (on the forehead, and around the lips). I already purchased another one.

    These are my favorite makeup removing wipes from Neutrogena. They are definitely better for dry skin than the one in the yellow package. The blue packaging provides extra hydration to your skin and the purple packaging is more of a soothing, nighttime wipes.

    This is a moisturizer that I like from Olay, it is made for sensitive skin and has some SPF. It took me about 3-4 months to finish it up.

   This foundation has always been my go-to. No matter how many times I try to expand and find different brands, I always find myself gravitating back to this one. It isn't that I absolutely love this one, but it definitely feels the best on my skin and up to now, was the only match I could find. However, this winter has my skin looking even paler than this shade (MUFE HD 110)! I never thought that would happen but it has! I am now using a different foundation, by Tarte, which I am absolutely loving, so I don't know if I will be repurchasing this.

   Finally, this shampoo is from Ulta, and it is supposedly for fine hair. It helps remove buildup on the scalp and is not damaging to the hair. I like this product but my hair is too complicated. I can't go more than two days between washes, and thus, am still on the hunt for the best shampoo/product/strategy to control my crazy scalp. If anyone has any ideas, please do share!
That is it for my empties for February and March. I hope to have at least one more post this week, as long as I can get the lighting situation figured out, so, *fingers crossed*!
Thanks for reading!!!

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