Sunday, March 19, 2017

Biweekly Makeup Basket: March 20th – April 2nd

Hello all! Welcome to another round of makeup baskets! The following are the items I will be focusing on for the next couple weeks:

For eyes, I will be focusing on my new Tarte Tarteist Pro palette. This one is new to my collection and I have yet to play with it so I am pretty pumped!

For blush, I will be focusing on the iSOCiETY COSMETICS blush in ladybug.

For lips, I will be focusing on Snow White from NYX and Snob from MAC. 

Bronzer will continue to be the same, Lo-Fi from UD Gwen palette.

Hopefully I can create some fun looks with these and post them during the next couple weeks!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read!


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