Saturday, August 27, 2016

Eye Allergy: Makeup declutter time!

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Sorry to have been MIA for a bit here. About a month ago I developed this weird eye allergy, specifically on my crease. I noticed it exacerbated when I wore eye makeup, particularly some of my older eye shadows but since I am a sucker for shadow and have lots of it, there was no way I was parting with it! Also, there was no way I was going to go without eye shadow for too long.

However, a couple weeks ago, it got really bad. I forgot to take a picture of it, but the crease of my right eye looked all puffy/swollen and it looked like I had applied peach/salmon colored eye shadow to the crease, except I was not wearing any makeup! I decided it was time to go to the doctor. At the doctor's appointment, she stated it was an eye allergy, gave me some drops, and some antibiotics to prevent any potential infection. She also stated that I needed to throw any of my old makeup away and that I cannot wear makeup for a read that right... a MONTH! How's a makeup junkie like myself supposed to stay away from eye shadow for a whole month?? It's been tough, I have been relying solely to foundation, blush, bronzer, and mascara. I have not even done my eyebrows! 

I have also been struggling to chuck some of that old eye shadow, but I figure I do not want to make things worse nor do I want this to happen again! I have picked out 4 palettes that are 2+years old to chuck, that will leave me with about 5 palettes that are still good and new-ish. I am also placing myself on an eye shadow no-buy, until I can make some dents in the shadows that I will be keeping.

Additionally, I chucked my eye primer, and will be getting a different one soon, one that is hypoallergenic, and paraben free. 

Now for the interesting part, here are the shadows that I will be parting with:

Now this is really gross...and I hate to admit it.. but my UD Naked palette I have had for about 6 years, yikes!...pretty sure that is past it's prime! This one is not that hard to get rid, off it goes to the trash.

This next one is my Sephora Enchanting Eye palette. I thankfully hit pan on 5 shades, so it is a bit easier to toss. Again, this one is gross, I have had it for about 4 years.

This one is the Too Faced Chocolate is a bit harder to part ways with this one as I have only had it for 2 years, still past it's prime...I think this one is a palette I would totally reinvest in,,,you know...once I actually make more dents in my other palettes.

Finally, my Too Faced Everything Nice is another palette that I am parting ways with. This one is also about two years old. I managed to hit pan on one eye shadow, and made dents in several others.I also hit pan on the blush, almost finished Inner light, and made a decent dent in the bronzer. 

I am sad to see all these palettes go but if I have to choose between pretty palettes and my skin health, I choose my skin! 

I forgot to take a picture of the worst of the allergy, but here is a picture demonstrating what my eye looks like: 

If you look at my right eye under my brow on the edge of the crease, you can see slight pinkish pigmentation, that right there is the allergy. It looks waaaaay better than it did a month ago, sorry I did not take a picture of it. But it looked like salmon colored and the crease was swollen so much that it looked like I had hooded lids, which i do not!

Thanks for reading! Let me know in the comments below, have you ever had an eye allergy to a product that you have used before with no problems? If so, do you know the culprit and how did you fix it?


Sunday, August 14, 2016

Biweekly Basket August 15th – August 28th

Hello everyone! I am back with a quick biweekly basket. I have not been posting so much on my blog recently as I have found that I have a rash on my eyelid (I weird!) and for that reason, I have not been wearing a whole ton of eye makeup.... regardless, I am feeling positive that this will soon clear out so I am attempting another round of biweekly basket. The products I will be using during this round include:

My Lorac Pro for eye shadow...

Too Faced Everything Nice Inner Light for a highlight, Chocolate Soleil for a bronzer, and Sweet Pink (top left) for a blush... yes, I am still continuing to pan these shades... I honestly feel it will take FOREVER, but I will not give up...yet!

That is it... I will not pick specific lipsticks as I kind of just want to go with the flow, so we will see what I decide! I will also be back to posting looks to my instagram so be sure to follow me there if you are interested. Once again, thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderful week!
